Campus Emergency Response and Immediate Notification

事件指挥小组根据靠谱买球app推荐应急和危机计划及应对指南,代表学院在所有紧急情况下协调适当的行动. This Team consists of the Director of 公共安全, Director of Plant and Facilities, College President and all Cabinet members, and other employees designated based on the specific crisis.

确认校园内发生对学生或员工的健康或安全有直接威胁的重大紧急情况或危险情况, the Director of 公共安全 or designee will, 及时, and taking into account the safety of the community, 确定通知的内容并启动通知系统,以便立即通知校园社区.

The Director of 公共安全 or designee, in conjunction with the national weather service, local first responders, health service departments, College administrators, 等.,将负责确认是否存在重大紧急情况或危险情况.

If 公共安全 confirms an emergency, 公共安全总监或其指定人员将与公共关系和营销部门合作,精心制作信息,并通过以下所述的部分或全部系统分发,以便将威胁传达给学院社区,或如果威胁仅限于特定建筑物或部分人口,则传达给社区的适当部分.

靠谱买球app推荐将使用以下系统通报校园社区面临的直接威胁: 靠谱买球app推荐警报系统 which sends a voice mail, 短信, 和/或在发生可能构成潜在威胁的重大紧急或危险情况时,在几分钟内发送电子邮件给学生和员工. The 靠谱买球app推荐警报 includes instructions for taking appropriate actions. 学院社区的成员被添加到靠谱买球app推荐警报系统,除非他们选择退出. 后续消息将使用上述部分或全部系统发送到校园社区.


学院将, 及时, and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, 回复, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.

每年的应急程序和疏散演习和演习将进行涉及学院社区. 演习和演练可以事先宣布或不事先宣布,并将对反应和效果进行评估和记录. 靠谱买球app推荐公司每年至少在进行一次测试时公布其应急反应和疏散程序. Emergency evacuation information and routes are posted in all facilities. 公共安全 is responsible for maintaining records of all exercises and drills.


Summary of General Evacuation Procedures

疏散演习的目的是为建筑物的居住者在发生火灾或其他紧急情况时进行有组织的疏散做好准备. 疏散演习是一种教育和培训居住者有关其建筑物特定的消防安全问题的方式. 演习期间, 居住者的“练习”演习程序,并熟悉出口的位置和火灾警报的声音. 除了在演习期间教育每座建筑物的居住者疏散程序之外, 该过程亦为学院提供测试火警系统组件运作的机会.

At the sound of a fire alarm or if you are instructed to evacuate, leave your work area immediately and proceed to the nearest exit, 然后离开大楼. If you are the first to recognize a fire situation, 激活闹钟, evacuate to a safe location using the nearest exit, 拨打911. 其他一些建议:

  1. 保持冷静.

  2. 不要使用电梯. 走楼梯.

  3. If you are unable to self-evacuate without the use of elevators, proceed to the “temporary gathering place” as identified on the building emergency evacuation plans posted in all buildings; oftentimes, this is near or in a stairwell. 如果你是无法自我疏散的人的个人支持网络的一部分, 撤离大楼,并立即通知公共安全或消防人员个人的位置. Proceed to a clear area at least 150 feet from the building. Keep all walkways clear for emergency vehicles.

  4. Make sure all personnel are out of the building.

  5. Do not re-enter the building.

Timely Warning Notices

当犯罪报告对校园社区构成严重或持续威胁时,将及时向学院社区发出警告通知. Timely warning notices will be distributed using ALERTUS, 靠谱买球app推荐警报, or the telephone intercom system.

及时警告通常针对以下统一犯罪报告程序(UCR)/国家事件报告系统(NIBRS)分类:重大纵火事件, murder/non negligent manslaughter, 和抢劫. 严重攻击和性侵犯案件将根据具体情况进行考虑, 视案情和公安部门掌握的情况而定. 例如, if an assault occurs between two students who have a disagreement, 可能对其他靠谱买球app推荐社区成员没有持续的威胁,因此不会发布及时警告. In cases involving sexual assault, they are often reported long after the incident occurred, 因此,没有能力向社区分发“及时”的警告通知. 性犯罪将根据事件发生的时间和地点进行个案处理, 当它被报道的时候, and the amount of information known by the 公共安全 department. 涉及财产犯罪的案件将逐案评估,如果有明显的犯罪模式,通常会发出警报. 公共安全总监或其指定人员审查所有报告,以确定是否存在对社区的持续威胁,以及是否有必要发布及时警报. Timely Warnings may also be posted for other crime classifications and locations, 视需要而定.

适时警告通常由公共安全署长或其指定人员撰写. 公共安全署长或指定人员通常使用上述系统分发及时警告. 及时向学生和员工提供及时的警告, that withholds the names of victims as confidential, and that will aid in the prevention of similar occurrences.



靠谱买球app推荐中心 216




靠谱买球app推荐中心 218

公共安全 Coordinator

靠谱买球app推荐中心 228
319-296-2329 ext.1282

Director, 公共安全 and Emergency Management

靠谱买球app推荐中心 216

Executive Director of Human Resource Services

靠谱买球app推荐中心 101
